Embodying Musical Attitude with Henry Hwi

Henry will explore ways to listen to and connect your natural body movements with music to slowly get your body safely prepped for dancing again. He will play instrumental and original versions of well-known (or new!) songs and facilitate exercises and discussions on how to approach music in a way to draw out individual expressions (attitude!). 

Henry has been dancing for over 10 years, starting with salsa and other latin dance forms, and dabbling with International Ballroom before finding his home with West Coast Swing. Since then, he has increased his WCS dance expression with tap and hip hop. 

When: Wed June 30, 2021 at 7 – 8 pm PDT 
(the workshop will be open from 6:45 pm)

Price: FREE or by donation (recommended donation $5) 
Donate at https://tinyurl.com/donateBCSDC

Join Zoom Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82890077937
Meeting ID: 828 9007 7937
Passcode: 091785 

If you’ve never used Zoom before, you can watch this 10 min tutorial on how to use Zoom for the very first time:

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!