October Dance!

After a wildly successful return to dancing after the summer, the BC Swing Dance will be hosting our next dance on October 13, featuring Elizabeth Hudgins and Zoltan Meszaros.

Dancing will be held at the confederation center at our traditional time – doors at 7:30, lesson at 8, and dancing from 9-12. See you there!

August BBQ Update

Unfortunately, due to the current fire bans in parks, we’ve had to ramp down our member’s appreciation BBQ to a pizza party.

The good news: the pizza party is free to members and $5 to non-members! Come out at 4:30PM Saturday, August 18th, at Central Park in Burnaby, and meet some of the other BCSDC members.

Same time, same place, just different food.

We are in picnic area 1 below:

September Dance

…. And we’re back (in September)!

After a summer of relaxing, we’ve got a full fall schedule planned, starting with an edition of our monthly dance on Saturday, September 15th. Pamela Podmoroff will be teaching a nightclub 2-step lesson and Amy and Michael Shibasaki will be teaching the beginner lesson. All of this is followed by a social dance.

Please note: This dance will be starting one hour earlier and ending one hour earlier:

  • Doors at 6:30PM
  • Lessons from 7 to 8PM
  • Dance from 8 – 11PM

See you there!

Annual Member BBQ

Prepare your appetite!

The annual BC Swing Dance Club summer BBQ will be held on August 18th, from 4:30 to sundown, at the Central Park Picnic Area. This is in the northwestern area of the park, near Swangard Stadium, and is accessible by Skytrain, bus, or car. See here for a map of the area: https://www.burnaby.ca/Assets/things+to+do/explore+outdoors/picnic+sites/Central+Park+Picnic+Map.pdf

Last year we tried out Vera’s Burgers as a catering option and heard nothing but good feedback, so we are bringing them back. Like last year, we will be charging $5.00 for all Swing Dance Club members, $15.00 for guests and non-members, and $5.00 for kids 14 and under. This fee will help us pay for the caterer, the park reservations, and other refreshments.

The burgers will be all-you-can-eat and will include vegetarian options. Come get to know other BC Swing Dance Club members better!

If you are thinking of coming, please reply to our E-Vite so we can track numbers and make sure we have enough food: http://evite.me/S58Yt6qHKT