2022 AGM

It’s that time again! The 2022 AGM will take place on February 19, 2022 from 7PM to 9PM online.

This meeting will be held via a Zoom call, with an invitation to be sent out soon. We need as many Club members to attend as possible to meet quorum requirements and give us your input on how you want to see the club run, so please attend!

If you purchased a membership in 2020 or 2021, it has been rolled over for the calendar year of 2022.

Like every year, every position is open for election at this meeting. We urge you to consider running. During the pandemic all Board meetings have been held virtually, so you can be geographically located anywhere and still participate. We will continue to allow virtual attendance at meetings when the pandemic is over.

Positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director at Large. If you would like more information on commitment or what the responsibility of a role entails, please email info@bcswingdance.ca

Please stay tuned for more information as we approach February 19th.

Join Us At Our Summer Picnic

Summer picnic

After no summer event in 2020, we are back with a summer Swing Club picnic this year, but COVID restrictions require us to scale things back. Due to park regulations we cannot have shared food, only individually prepackaged food. So this year we are asking that you bring your own food for your own group, and not share food with others. Propane grills are allowed, but must be 20″ off the ground.

Swing Club will provide side snacks (individually packaged potato chips and cookies) and soft drinks (pop, water, etc.), which will be distributed by masked and gloved volunteers. There is a nearby concession stand in the park if you want to purchase food there. The washrooms are close by, as well, and we will also supply hand sanitizer.

We encourage you to bring your own chairs (lawn, beach, etc.), or blankets to sit on; physical distancing is still recommended by the parks department.

We will be at the covered pavilion in the southeast corner of John Hendry park, near the playground and concession stand. Look for the red and white balloons! The picnic starts at 4:00 and runs until 9:30.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

How to Dance Musically with Amy Shibasaki

Poster for workshop "How to dance musically" with Amy Shibasaki

Due to the popularity of the musicality class Amy taught for us in September 2020, she’s back with another. In this class Amy will help you to understand the structure of the songs we dance to, and will show you how to be a more musical dancer, even to unfamiliar songs!

Come check it out!

Amy started her dance journey in ballroom and salsa, but once she discovered West Coast Swing she hasn’t looked back. She has been teaching classes in Vancouver and Burnaby as well as workshops across BC with her husband Michael for over 10 years, and is always excited about the opportunity to share her joy of the dance with others. See more about Amy here: https://www.michaelandamywcs.com/

When: Wed July 28, 2021 at 7 – 8 pm PDT 
(the workshop will be open from 6:45 pm)

Price: FREE or by donation (recommended donation $5) 
Donate at https://tinyurl.com/donateBCSDC

Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81115438106
Meeting ID: 811 1543 8106
Passcode: 394035

If you’ve never used Zoom before, click here to watch this 10 min tutorial on how to use Zoom for the very first time.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!

Get In The Groove with Bob Gebbie

Workshop Poster

Bob will tune up your musicality with some fun grooving that you can use next time you are social dancing.  He will review the critical importance of the “two beat increment” and provide you with some cool but simple rhythms which you can easily integrate into your pattern flow. 

Bob has been dancing WCS for over 5 years and is one of Myles and Tessa’s certified WCS instructors. Bob is a recovering pattern junkie and wants you to join him on his path to dancing more musically.

When: Wed July 14, 2021 at 7 – 8 pm PDT 
(the workshop will be open from 6:45 pm)

Price: FREE or by donation (recommended donation $5) 
Donate at https://tinyurl.com/donateBCSDC

Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85672835615
Meeting ID: 856 7283 5615
Passcode: 467765

If you’ve never used Zoom before, click here to watch this 10 min tutorial on how to use Zoom for the very first time.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!