Summer Picnic Time

The annual BC Swing Dance Club summer member appreciation picnic is this Saturday, August 24th, from 5 to 9, at John Hendry Park (aka Trout Lake Park) in Vancouver. We will be at the picnic area in the southwestern area of the park, east of the southern tip of the lake. The park is accessible by Skytrain (get off at Commercial/Broadway), bus, or car.

Because of anticipated fire bans (like we had last summer), we will be having a Pizza Party again! The picnic/party is free for BCSDC members, and $5 for guests.

The pizza will be all-you-can-eat and will include vegetarian options. The Swing Club will also be providing side dishes, desserts, and beverages. You’re welcome to bring something to share but there will be plenty of food.

What you should bring is a blanket or lawn chair, frisbee, soccer ball, or any other outdoor games you’d like to play.

Come get to know other BC Swing Dance Club members!

Summer Time Dance

As has become custom, the BC Swing Dance is taking a road trip downtown this summer:

Roooooooooooaaaaadddddd Triiiiiiiippppp!

Join us on July 20th at Rhodes College (1125 Howe St, 2nd floor, use buzzer on Helmcken st) for our summer road trip dance. Featuring a 2 hour choreography lesson covering the 2019 WCS Rally by Pamela Podmoroff, it should be (and always is!) a good time.

This year, we are also offering beginners lessons, starting at 7PM. The choreography lesson is $10 for members, $14 for guests, the beginners lesson is free (as always) and the dance will run from 8-11PM. Don’t miss it!

June Dance, With a Side of Rally

Join the BCSDC for the last official dance before the summer. We’re kicking things off with the 2019 WCS Rally, taught in a workshop by Michael Shibasaki, starting at 6:00PM (doors at 5:30PM).

After that, Leigh Kirkconnell will be teaching “Defensive Dance Skills”, which is essential to know on the crowded dance floor. Finally, we’ll have DJ Jason Brown playing music from 8-11PM.

Hope to see you all there!

The Gerald and Robin Cote Workshops

The BC Swing Dance Club is pleased to announce a set of four afternoon workshop by Gerald and Robin Cote on May 25th!

If you’re not familiar with Gerald and Robin, they are extremely talented dancers and teachers who have moved to Squamish in the past couple years. Check out their bios here: or check them out on Youtube below!

Gerald and Robin will be teaching a series of workshops on Saturday, May 25th at the Confederation Centre in Burnaby. The schedule runs as follows:

First workshop – 1PM to 2PM – Flow & Funk Moves

*15 minute break*

Second workshop – 2:15PM to 3:15PM – Fun Footwork Dynamics

*15 minute break*

Third workshop – 3:30PM to 4:45PM – Lego Blocking Variations

15 minute open practice/question until 5PM

Doors for dinner from 5PM until 6:30

7PM – 8PM – Music Interpretations

Afterwards, the club will be hosting an extra May dance, so don’t go anywhere. Same time, same place, same price as always (, but extra special workshop!

Pricing is $15.00 per workshop for members, or a pack of four for $50.00, and $20.00 for non-members with a pack of four for $65.00. You can pre-purchase workshop passes below via PayPal or pay at the door. We will also be accepting add-on lessons at the door if you realize you’d like more.

Anyone buying a 4-pack of tickets will also get admission into the dance for free!

Workshop Options