May Dance – Learn Your Connections!

The BC Swing Dance is kicking into high gear, with a series of dances every two weeks. The May dance is next!

Amy Shibasaki

Amy Shibasaki will be in charge of the main lesson and teaching rotation and linear (or lin-ear, ask her ๐Ÿ™‚ ) connections. Cool stuff! If you don’t know who Amy is, check her out with her partner Michael in this video below:

Our dance will be at the regular time, regular place: 4585 Albert St, Burnaby (Confederation Centre), doors at 6:30PM, lessons from 7-8PM, and dance from 8-11PM. The price for the lesson is $5 for members, $7 for guests, or $4 with student ID. The dance is $10 for members, $13 for guests, and $7 with a student ID.

And as usual, bring your friends for the beginner lesson – the first dance that they come to is free!

We’re Growing

Starting April 6th, the BC Swing Dance club will be expanding its offerings to Victoria! Due to its dance runner’s relocation, Victoria’s weekly local WCS dance found itself without a host. The BCSDC, along with a host of local volunteers, is excited to be able to step up to provide resources and support the Garden City.

The dance, which runs every Saturday night in downtown Victoria, has occurred weekly over the past several years and will continue to do so. In April, the night is being started off with beginner lessons by Sam Jackson and Meaghan Efford. Follow along on the club’s Facebook page as this dance grows:

Give us a shout on Facebook or if you have any questions! And, if you’re in Victoria… check us out ๐Ÿ™‚

April Showers Bring Swag Dances!

Join us at our annual (technically true!) April BC Swing Dance club dance, featuring a lesson by Pamela Podmoroff!

Pamela’s lesson will feature a mixture of West Coast Swing and Shag dancing. Not familiar? Check out this video! (warning: these are professionals and the content may not be taught until the second Shag lesson)

Besides that, we’ve got another fun night of dancing. Doors open at 6:30PM, lessons run from 7-8, and then dancing goes from 8-11PM. Same times, same place – the Confederation Center at 4585 Albert St in Burnaby. See you there!

March Dance

Come one, come all to the BC Swing Dance March dance on March 9th!

We’re holding our dance at the usual time (6:30 doors, 7 lesson, 8-11 dance) at the Confederation Centre. DJ Jason Brown is taking a break for March so we will be having DJ Ponytail Chris Dewhurst spinning the electronic records *all night long.

Come learn the mysteries of Guillotine Whips with Dave and Claudia. Just what are they? Google sure doesn’t know, so the only way to find out will be to come to the lesson!

Our usual prices are in effect – the lesson is $5 for members, $7 for guests, and the dance is $10 for members, $13 for guests. Students get in cheap too! Hope to see you there ๐Ÿ™‚

*Not really, the dance is still contractually obligated to end at 11PM. Sorry.